Hello! My name is Alex Southe, M.Ed., and I am the founder of Learn Anything Easy. I spent the majority of my career serving my community as a teacher and as a case manager for a non-profit organization. During my teaching years, I came to realize that there is a severe lack of financial education in our country, and a large amount of the financial information given to consumers is often incorrect.

I have always been obsessed with investing and the stock market, which has led me to read countless finance books, watch every relevant video on Youtube, and even obtain formal financial training in my state. Through this blog, I hope to share my passion for teaching people how to take charge of their finances and their futures.
I have a special gift in my ability to gather scattered information and bring it all together in an organized, well researched, and actionable way.
My “Why” is to continuously learn, and then share the ideas I’ve learned for anyone to use!
In order to share my “Why” with others, I launched learnanythingeasy.com in 2023. As a way to share this continuous learning journey that I’m on, and provide anyone and everyone who can find their way here a source for intellectually honest, knowledgeable, and thoughtful information.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.” – Gandhi